- Obamania in Grant Park
- My best friend's wedding
- Trip to Italy and Paris with my other best friend
Entourage, Season 4 - (2007) - DVD
Seen: Saturday, November 1, 2008

Well, that's something anyway.
From left to right: Turtle, the sweet n' pudgy pal longing for a lay; Eric "E," the "conscience" of the show as Elvis Mitchell dubs him, also the dullest, making Blake Lively's Serena on Gossip Girl seem charming; Vince, the superstar dripping with women and subsidies for his band of brothers; Ari, the show's true center of gravity. Don't ever take the camera off him and any scene wherein he fights with his wife and/or his assistant Lloyd; Drama, Vince's c-list big brother with a temper and an empty slate of auditions.
For the life of me, I am addicted to this 22 minute sugar-pop show. But I'm quitting cold turkey. After 4 whole seasons of no real character growth or narrative movement, I just can't be burdened with more of the boys' carnal delights carried out on screen. Today, I quit.
Hearts and Minds - (1974) - DVD
Seen: Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here on gory display are unmediated images of mutilation, death, murder and the veritable extermination of a nation--systematic acts built and sold by the US government. I think of this documentary as an uncomfortable reminder of why violence exists in movies at all and why they are valid onscreen experiences. The unspeakably real nature of Hearts and Minds's content is reason enough to query the nature of violence seen in anything from a horror to a western.
Why do we watch horror and violence? The short answer is that no matter how dreadful it is a part of human experience. And in the case of Hearts and Minds, worth remembering.
Ballast - (2008) - Film
Seen: Saturday, November 8, 2008

Throwdown - (2004) - DVD (projected!)
Seen: Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy-Go-Lucky - (2008) - Film
Seen: Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cloverfield - (2007) - DVD
Seen: Friday, November 14, 2008

Loud and clear.
The Trouble With Harry - (1955) - DVD
Seen: Friday, November 14, 2008

The Muppet Movie - (1979) - Film
Seen: Sunday, November 16, 2008
My primary memory of The Muppet Movie comes from a two minute ice show performance I did when I was five years old, dressed in a flourescent green "frog" leotard with a googly eyes headband to make me look as closely related to Kermit as possible while under a spotlight and on figure skates in a suburban ice arena to the beat of "Movin' Right Along."
My memories of the movie itself are vague, but the shot of Big Bird in the sequence here struck me as very familiar, and no wonder since he was the Muppet character I knew best from the flick at the time I originally saw it (these were still my Sesame Street days after all). The Film Center ran a roughly month-long Muppets retrospective in November, which is how I saw this on 35mm. It was a decent print, but weathered on its sound strips and was a tad faded. It was impossible to hear at certain points, while the musical sequences nearly blew our eardrums out; and there was a burnt orangy tinge to the picture.
On the heels of The Muppet Movie came the second half of the double-feature...
"A Better World" - (various release dates) - Projected video
Seen: Sunday, November 16, 2008
...and this prompted the first time I was angry with the the Film Center for a rather misleading double bill. "A Better World" included a number of not-usually-seen (code for I-don't-know-how-rare-they-are-to-call-them-"rare") screenings of environmental conservation commercials with Kermit and Co. and a couple of episodes of Fraggle Rock being projected from a staticky VHS copy. It was unwatchable so we left after the first Fraggle episode.
Manderlay - (2005) - DVD
Seen: Monday, November 17, 2008

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