The book "Confessions of a Shopaholic" did well and sold millions but the movie is too late... we're on a new fashion trend now and its all about being frugal during the current American recession.
So what can you do?
Well for starters its time to go to your closet and organize. Make a party of it and maybe invite some friends over for Kool-Aid (cherry with extra sugar and vodka) and get righteously high on sugar and alcohol while you did through your old clothes...

"Shop till you drop" has been replaced by "shop your closet" and finding new ways to wear your old stuff.
Then your friends do the same thing and suddenly everyone has new clothes that fits and is trendy.
Being a Fashion Recessionista also means going shopping online and finding the best deals, shopping around for sales only when you really need something for work or a special occasion, and no more shopping for the sake of shopping (and filling your closet with more clothes you never wear).
You can also host a home sales party. Kind of like Tupperware Parties, but for clothes and cosmetics.
Another thing to do, and this is more of an environmental thing, is to carry your own tote bag or backpack when you go shopping and refuse to take a shopping bag when the vendors offer you one. You can go with either the "I Am Not A Plastic Bag" or something similar. See The War on Plastic Bags.

Now this doesn't make you a Frugalista. There is a difference.
Fashion Recessionistas also shops vintage or off-price, while the "frugalista" makes do with what she already has and mends old clothes. You still buy new clothes, but you're sensible about it. You might even make spend some cash to buy fabric and make your own clothes.

I recently read about a guy in Canada who has started his own business sewing quilts. If a guy can do it so can you.
Remember you're not begging. You're just being sensible and fashionable. Eco-Chic is the way to go, even if you do have money to burn, its still cool to show your fashion sense is right on the mark.
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