I love the beauty of a traveling romance, whether it is a fleeting memory stored with a spark in your heart or a long term love that no amount of miles can separate, they give life zest and butterflies, and something to write to your diary about.

Meeting people on the road is already exciting enough so when you add a little flame into the equation its easy to feel like you are starring in your own Chic Flic. You get to see the side of a city you never considered, and that place will forever be touched with your fond memories of foot popping kisses and moonlit walks hand in hand.

Of course then when the trip is over you are left with your those memories that play likes reels on repeat constantly in your brain. They are the reason you are left smiling in the middle of a board meeting while you are daydreaming, or the reason you didn't notice the light turn from red to green. No one else may understand, but you were bitten by the travel romance bug and now no airplane will ever feel the same...
Are your airplanes shooting stars mes cheries?
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