Monday, April 4, 2011

A Letter to the Middle East-Loving Presidents

Dear Obama and Future Presidents of the United States of America,

Stop sending people, missiles, anything that doesn’t resemble non-violent help over to the Middle East. Obama, I honestly carried no grudge with you (Health Care Bill was a good idea—but you can’t carry a good execution with a Republican target on your back) throughout your time here. Yes, I shall admit that the slow bouncing back of the economy is a result of many years in the hole with the previous president. But attacking Libya is utterly, and undoubtedly pointless. Instead of becoming the first president in a couple decades to not involve yourself with the Middle East, you go on and attack Libya. Here’s my gripe, where were you when Egypt was becoming a mess? Why Libya? We are in a struggling economy, and you go and throw extremely expensive bombs in that direction to save a country that is destined for turmoil regardless.

Here’s a history lesson: both Bushes, Reagan, and even Clinton to an extent had a conflict in the Middle East, resulting in money lost, lives lost, and no actual solution. Within the past 25 years, we have seen ourselves now in Libya, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Iraq (we did go there twice), Libya (funny…we went there during Reagan’s term), and even Iran selling weapons to them. And what has been the result? More war, more fighting, more chaos, and more instability. I ask that we stop trying to become Earth’s Police and focus more on our own country—which is still trying to fully recover from a terrorist attack nearly a decade ago. Tourists are not visiting us like they used to, our money isn’t as valued as it was before, and our reputation has been down the crapper for quite some time. Involving ourselves in Libya, when there is an even deadlier war going own underneath Texas is silly, dumb, and very irresponsible.

Unemployment, dying education, tourism, farming, and increase in hostility against diversity, and health care should be your main focuses. Not the Middle East. That land has been fighting there since before Jesus with very, very little times of peace. Who are we to think we can stop it? We can’t solve all other nation’s problems. Let’s not forget that parts of Africa are a quiet mess with genocide up the ying-yang. It is sad indeed, and I wish there was a solution to end it all, but there honestly isn’t. What we have to do is fix ourselves before we can fix others. Obama, you were in the right direction with the Tourism Bill, the Health Care Bill, cuts on unnecessary spending, yet you blew off your momentum by copying the previous president’s actions, attacking a country known for having plenty of oil.

Your presidency has seen enough problems, as we have had a major oil spill, a very struggling economy, bailouts of big companies, and a couple historical devastating earthquakes that rocked Haiti, Chile, and especially Japan. We don’t have the money to go launching violence out in a land that sees plenty of it. A stupid ***hole pastor that has no right to represent God up in Gainesville burns a book, and people start dying thousands of miles away. It’s a mess over there, and it has dwelled and evolved into their culture.

As a citizen of the United States who is seeing some change and improvement yet not enough, we must focus all our accomplishments to ourselves. It sounds selfish, but a broken house cannot provide shelter for a family. We have to structure ourselves to become the strong economic country that we were in the 90s before we can march elsewhere and try to fix the erroneous decisions of the twerps, jerks, and murdering leaders of the Middle East. There is too much going on here for us to repeat Iraq. While Libya is definitely no Iraq War, it’s definitely a step in that direction. And ANY decision that step in the direction of anything Iraq, is a bad idea.

Please, no more conflict over there. Let’s finish the ones here first.



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