Dear Scottie Pippen,
Shut up.
Right now.
What on earth are you trying to prove by mentioning that LeBron James could become the greatest basketball player, better than Jordan? Why do you even say that? What is the point in saying that right now? How can you say that without laughing out loud? First off LeBron has yet to win a ring, while Jordan led a team YOU were on to 6 of them. Second off, LeBron is notorious for disappearing in important basketball games, when Jordan would give you 115% every single game---leading to notorious confrontations with the other Bulls players when facing weaker opponents. And dare we remember the game you walked out on just because you weren’t going to take the final shot? Third off, Jordan is among the all-time leaders in points, steals, minutes per game, and points per game, and dozens of other categories. Fourth off, Jordan didn’t have the superstar help that LeBron currently has. Jordan makes other players better, and this especially includes Dennis Rodman, Horace Grant, and you. Fifth off, its freakin' Michael Jordan. The amount of legendary basketball moments he created is borderline endless.
I can’t believe that you might still be bitter about how we forever mention Michael Jordan long after he retired while you are a mere footnote. Maybe it’s because you weren’t as good as we remembered. Maybe it’s because some of us have yet to forgive you after quitting on the Bulls on that one fateful day. Maybe it’s because you never seem to truly appreciate the efforts and achievements of Jordan. You were a great player, I can't deny this, potentially even spectacular. But don’t you dare try to diminish the accomplishments of the best player of all-time, your ex-teammate, by comparing him to a player that has yet to lead a team to a championship. Still don't know what you are trying to prove.
LeBron is one of the best players in the NBA, but he still has fewer rings than Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan, Paul Pierce (hurts to put this name here), Shaq, and even his own partner Dwayne Wade. And even then, it’s not just the rings, to be the best you have to take the hits and beatings as well as the rewards of being great. Michael Jordan spent years with the Bulls before finally winning one, and didn’t try to win one by combining forces with other superstar players. LeBron definitely played his heart out for a while, but when the going got tough, he got going.....elsewhere. Micahel Jordan wasn't just a superior scorer, but he is a superior defender, playmaker, clutch player, and far better all-around player. The only thing I will give LeBron the advantage is physical stature and rebounding ability. But everything else, every single other category, if you compare LeBron now to Jordan at the point in the career, it is no contest whatsoever.
Pippen, I am not sure what drugs you are on, but its going to take much more than just a few nice comebacks, athletic ability, and a potential ring to compare anyone with Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan is part of the Mt. Rushmore of ultimate athletes in the history of sports. Don’t you dare try to deface it. Stop being in over your head, please. And where is Kobe in this conversation? Why even pass off on Kobe, who has 5 rings?
I think you are just trying to stir up trouble. I know its an opinion, but your opinion stinks. Badly. I can smell it from here.
And you should quit talking.
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