Thursday, June 17, 2010

Giveaway in a New York Minute

If you have spent any amount of time reading The Embellished Life you may be aware that I have a slight obsession with a little island I like to call Manhattan. It started at a very young age, and has done nothing but grow into a serious addiction. I also happen to love reading, so when both of these things combine, very good things happen. That said, I give you...

Big Career in the Big City
LAND A JOB AND GET A LIFE IN NEW YORK the wonderful Vicki Salemi! Darlings let me tell you, I am on the job front right now, and I feel that I have read every book and tutorial on job searching advice there is, but none compare to the couture tailored knowledge that Vicki spills to her peeps. Written in a chatty dialogue that is down to earth and conversational, she makes your dreaded job search an adventure and leaves you drooling for instant Manhattan by the time you finish the last page.

*facebook fanpage*

Cover to cover Vicki gives you the full New Yawk scoop. From resume writing to a rockin social life...even which nights to go out and which nights to stay in, avoiding tourists! Its filled with interviews of people who have made this transition and great local advice on how to not just survive but thrive through the whole process. So "Say buh-bye to the 'burbs and sign up for sassy city girl life!"

*What can readers expect to find in Big Career in the Big City that isn't in every other Job Searching for Dummies book?
Most importantly, they can expect a fun ride! Seriously. I wanted my book to be something I would personally want to pick up and read cover to cover if I was on the hunt. I want the reader to feel jazzed about the job search and creating an amazing life in Manhattan. Why not spark some excitement and fuel some good ol' fashioned mojo into the job search? I felt it's important to have a book that's more than a "dummies" book - readers are savvy so I want to empower them and show how exciting the adventure can be! I interviewed several dozens of people - recruiters as well as New Yorkers who've been there, done that to add some cool anecdotes and stories to all of my advice. It's also important readers get a taste of life in NYC. Real life. Sure, the glam life of where to go at night but there's also realistic factors like managing a budget, dealing with ridiculous landlords, backstabbing co-workers, and penetrating the city so you feel like a big fish in a small pond (yes, it can be done!).


*What's next for Vicki Salemi?
I'd love to expand my career expertise in another platform expanding upon books and my articles such as an on-air job correspondent to empower even more people! This is my second book - my first book, The ABC's of College Life, was published several years ago. I write for a variety of online and print outlets in terms of careers/business, entertainment and health/wellness so writing is in my blood. Writing a book however is completely different than approaching a features article or even a blog post because with a book you're like a painter with a blank canvas! For a book, the author can shape it, add texture, depth, lightness and darkness, and create a voice and overall vision that would otherwise be limited in an article. I'm also excited to write another career book and finally pen an exciting fiction book that's been swirling in my head for way too long. I also love entertainment reporting for press events so I'm in the process of expanding my role in that realm as well. So many juicy projects, so little time!


*What is your most favorite and least favorite thing about The Big Apple?
*Oh my, my absolute favorite thing about NYC?! There's soooo much!! I think the main thing is it never gets old and NYC is truly the place where you feel like you are making your mark in the world. It's like your BFF and continues to be there for you. Needing a creative spark? Visit the MoMa. Need to discover something new? Try spinach and artichoke pizza on 14th and 1st (just discovered it two weeks ago. To. Die. For). Want to meet cool new peeps to hang out with? Join an improv class. It seriously never ever gets old, has a distinctive charm and personality all of its own, and there are countless options.

The least favorite thing? I'm stumped. I'd have to say being overbooked and having three or four events to go on the same night (tough life, I know). Or the fact that garbage can sit on the sidewalks piled high. It doesn't sit for long but on a specific night of the week you'll look around and all you see is garbage and you'll know the garbage trucks will pick it up in a few hours. And mice. I can't stand them and finding the occasional one scurry across your apartment is downright gross. And expected. It's happened before and it'll happen again.

*If you could have any super power what would it be?
The most important super power would be to cure cancer and uncurable diseases. But another one would be able to predict the future. Having a "Magic 8" ball saying that everything's going to turn out okay would be a terrific reassurance for everyone who's job hunting or stressed out about life in general.


You know the drill darlings, but just for a refresher...

This is a ONE WEEK Giveaway that will land one lucky Embellisher with a copy of their very own Big Career in the Big City.

To Enter:
1. Leave a comment below on what you think makes NYC the greatest city on the planet.

Extra Entries
(additional comments needed for each)
2. Be an Embellished Follower (Blogger or Blog Lovin)
3. Spread the word - tweet, facebook, blog (of course leave the URL)
4. Be a Fan (you have many options)
Twitter: Me or Vicki

You of course have the option to do all of the above, you get an extra name in the hat for each entry, so the odds are up to you! A winner will be chosen via on Thursday, June 24th, midnight (NYC time of course).

You can also buy your own copy anytime on Amazon HERE!

Good Luck Mes Cheries!

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